Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Week 3, Thing 5

Snow in Ocean City, Maryland
Originally uploaded by crazysanman
"Snow in Ocean City, Maryland"
Here is photo I found on Flickr - I love seeing snow at the beach!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Week 2, Thing 4

Don't forget to fill out your 23 Things Tracking Log. I sent out the logs as an attachment in your Week 2 email. The log will serve to show that you have completed the program and make you eligible to win one of three iPod minis or the grand prize, a digital camera.

Week 2, Thing 3

Setting up a blog is so easy. The hardest part was choosing what template I wanted!

I just read this little fact from CNET.com:
"According to recent statistics from blog-tracking site Technorati, the blogosphere has doubled every six months for the last three years. That's 175,000 new blogs per day worldwide. Technorati added its 50 millionth blog on July 31, 2006."

Week 1, Thing 2

Lifelong learning - it's almost cliche these days. Still I think the real beauty of this program is that it is allowing me to incorporate learning into my work week. It can be so easy to think "I just don't have time for that" - but, as the online tutorial said, lifelong learning is attitudinal. I am going to start to schedule time in my work week just to explore. And that could mean all sorts of things - checking out some public library MySpace pages, reading a WebJunction blog, or figuring out a new software. Lifelong learning doesn't have to be just about the CEUs :-) !!!

Week 1, Thing 1

We have over 546 people from around the state signed up for the 23 Things program! There are 87 folks just from the eastern shore. That is so cool!

It seems like we've all been hit with this wave of new technology over the last five, six years and I am so excited about exploring it with all of you.

7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

The 7.5 Habits are:

1. Begin with the end in mind
2. Accept responsibility for your own learning
3. View problems as challenges
4. Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner
5. Create your own learning toolbox
6. Use technology to your advantage
7. Teach/mentor others
7 1/2. Play!

The hardest habit for me is to "begin with the end in mind." I don't always have a specific goal in mind when I want to learn something and this makes me think I might not be learning as effectively as I could be. If I had a specific goal, I could work towards a more meaningful end.

The easiest habit for me to follow is to accept responsibility for my own learning. If I want to learn something new, I just try to play with it. MS Publisher is a perfect example for me, when I wanted to create a brochure, I asked a co-worker what program she used and then I just started playing around with the program. Trial and error works best for me!