Sunday, August 12, 2007
week 9, Thing 23
week 9, Thing 22
week 9, Thing 21
I am pretty inspired by the ways some libraries are using podcasts - especially the story times for kids. (I can remember calling over the telephone for library story time when I was younger!) This might be a great way to provide a story time in Spanish for kids? I can also see elementary school teachers playing the a podcast of story times in class.
I'd like to create a quick podcast of my own just to practice - I will try to come back to that later.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Week 9, Thing 20
YouTube is all the rage right now and I don't see why libraries shouldn't jump in too. Post a video tour of the library, post 30 seconds of a library story-time, it seems like a great way to advertise the library and it's much more exciting than a brochure or powerpoint presentation.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Week 8, Thing 19
Pandora is automated music recommendation service created by the Music Genome Project.
This is the coolest thing!! I typed in Prefab Sprout and the next thing they played was Elvis Costello's Little Fool and then Morrissey's Kill Uncle -- and then the Beautiful South. I am so hooked on this. (Haven't heard some of these songs in years!) Try it, you'll like it!
Thing 18, con't.
Here are 10 Ways NonProfits Can Use Blogs:
(List taken from
1. To report back from an event or conference.
2. To involve staff and take advantage of their knowledge.
3. To involve volunteers and document their work.
4. To provide resources and information to constituents.
5. To provide resources and information from constituents.
6. To give constituents a place to voice their opinion.
7. To give constituents support.
8. To create the media coverage constituents want.
9. To give constituents the power and tools to create change.
10. To reach potential donors.
***I think this list can be applied to libraries as well.
Libraries can use blogs:
1. To report back from a training or conference.
2. To involve staff and take advantage of their knowledge (Wicomico's programming blog is a great example - staff can bounce ideas of each other!)
3. To involve volunteers - by providing a blog just for volunteers, library staff can keep them informed of changes in the library (if the CDs have been moved), holiday closings, special events etc.
4. To provide resources and information to staff - library personnel can blog about their favorite reference websites or great reads to tweens
5. To provide resources and information to patrons - a special blog just for teens would be a good way to get them involved at their library
6. To give patrons a place to voice their opinion - allow teens to blog about their favorite books!
7. To give staff support - a private blog for staff can help share good news stories!
8. To create media coverage - a public blog can help advertise special events and share photos of past events
9. To give patrons the power and tools to create change - patrons can list comments about special events
10. To reach potential donors - share with donors the "library's story" and show them that libraries are on the cutting edge of technology